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M121 Beta Features

M121 Beta Features

Screensaver Duration Settings

Listening to user feedback, ChromeOS now has ability to set duration for screensaver while charg...

Listening to user feedback, ChromeOS now has ability to set duration for screensaver while charging. User can now choose how long their screensaver runs while their device is charging (not on battery). The default setting is 'Forever', and can be reduced using drop-down options.

How to Access:

Upgrade to the latest M121 beta
Go to: chrome://flags
Enable flag: #screen-saver-duration

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Media Player update

ChromeOS's media player has bigger buttons and colors to match your wallpaper. The media player w...

ChromeOS's media player has bigger buttons and colors to match your wallpaper. The media player will show up when you are playing any video or audio (like Spotify or YouTube) in Quick Settings located where the time is. You can click the pin icon to move the media player to the shelf. In addition to controlling media that is being cast, you can now start casting web media to any speakers or screens on your local network.

How to Access:

Upgrade to the latest M121 beta
Go to: chrome://flags
Enable flags: #global-media-controls-cros-updated-ui


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